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I'd like to use this as a place for discussing my thoughts and understanding of statistics and data science - mostly as it relates to my background in biology.
During school, I felt as though my professors and teachers didn't do a very good job of explaining the subtleties of what makes data investigation and manipulation useful. I'd like to take this opportunity to show you the ways data exploration can benefit you, whether that is for your next test or on the job.
I will be starting out with simple stats and moving onto more complex subjects, such as outputs with R and its associated packages.
See you soon!
I'd like to use this as a place for discussing my thoughts and understanding of statistics and data science - mostly as it relates to my background in biology.
During school, I felt as though my professors and teachers didn't do a very good job of explaining the subtleties of what makes data investigation and manipulation useful. I'd like to take this opportunity to show you the ways data exploration can benefit you, whether that is for your next test or on the job.
I will be starting out with simple stats and moving onto more complex subjects, such as outputs with R and its associated packages.
See you soon!
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