Mean, Median, Mode, Range and the Bell Curve

Let's start out super basic. I think the first time I came across mean, median, and mode was in either middle school or high school. They are easy enough to understand and use so you can pass your test/quiz, but at least in my case, my teachers never explained why anyone would everrrrrrr need to use these outside of this one specific test in school. Mean, Median, and Mode are useful for showing you characteristics about your data set. This is something you will need to keep in mind the more advanced you become in mathematics/stats/data science/whatever. This blog is meant to discuss data science and math in a general kind of way to try and fill in any gaps you come across due to a forgetful teacher or maybe you need a mildly different perspective on the material. I aim to help. That being said, there are a number of fantastic websites that let you practice everything I mention here and I'm sure plenty more. For example, Khan Academy ( Link ). Let's begin my going...